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A Thankful Post

Happy Thanksgiving everyone. This is my first blog post and won't be a very long post. I will be honest writing isn't my strong suit and there may not be any thoughtful or profound statements in any or all of my posts. Today for most people is a holiday and they usually spend it with family. I was able to have a Thanksgiving breakfast with my husband, children and mother & father in-law of waffles, bacon a sausage. There are some who on Thanksgiving day when at a meal gathered with family, friends or loved ones will go around and say what they are thankful. I am putting mine is this blog. I am thankful for many of the blessings that God has provided for me. I have a loving husband and two beautiful children, close and extended family, small group of friends who I am lucky enough to still be in contact with and the ability to be a stay at home mom living on a small homestead in Iowa. What are you thankful for?

BTW - I didn't design the item in the picture. It was designed by brickhouseinthecity. You can click on image to got to the listing.

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